json-c  0.14
  1. Overview and Build Status
  2. Building on Unix
  3. CMake options
  4. Testing
  5. Building with `vcpkg`
  6. Linking to libjson-c
  7. Using json-c

JSON-C - A JSON implementation in C

Build Status

Test Status

JSON-C implements a reference counting object model that allows you to easily construct JSON objects in C, output them as JSON formatted strings and parse JSON formatted strings back into the C representation of JSON objects. It aims to conform to RFC 7159.

Building on Unix with git, gcc and cmake

Home page for json-c: https://github.com/json-c/json-c/wiki


To generate docs you'll also need:

If you are on a relatively modern system, you'll likely be able to install the prerequisites using your OS's packaging system.

Install using apt (e.g. Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS)

```sh sudo apt install git sudo apt install cmake sudo apt install doxygen # optional sudo apt install valgrind # optional ```

Build instructions:

json-c GitHub repo: https://github.com/json-c/json-c

```sh $ git clone https://github.com/json-c/json-c.git $ mkdir json-c-build $ cd json-c-build $ cmake ../json-c # See CMake section below for custom arguments ```

Note: it's also possible to put your build directory inside the json-c source directory, or even not use a separate build directory at all, but certain things might not work quite right (notably, make distcheck)


```sh $ make $ make test $ make USE_VALGRIND=0 test # optionally skip using valgrind $ make install ```

Generating documentation with Doxygen:

The libray documentation can be generated directly from the source codes using Doxygen tool:


in build directory

make doc google-chrome doc/html/index.html ```

CMake Options

The json-c library is built with CMake, which can take a few options.

Variable Type Description
CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX String The install location.
CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE String Defaults to "debug"
BUILD_SHARED_LIBS Bool The default build generates a dynamic (dll/so) library. Set this to OFF to create a static library instead.
ENABLE_RDRAND Bool Enable RDRAND Hardware RNG Hash Seed
ENABLE_THREADING Bool Enable partial threading support
DISABLE_WERROR Bool Disable use of -Werror
DISABLE_BSYMBOLIC Bool Disable use of -Bsymbolic-functions

Pass these options as -D on CMake's command-line.

```sh cmake -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF ... ```

Building with partial threading support

Although json-c does not support fully multi-threaded access to object trees, it has some code to help make its use in threaded programs a bit safer. Currently, this is limited to using atomic operations for json_object_get() and json_object_put().

Since this may have a performance impact, of at least 3x slower according to https://stackoverflow.com/a/11609063, it is disabled by default. You may turn it on by adjusting your cmake command with: -DENABLE_THREADING=ON

Separately, the default hash function used for object field keys, lh_char_hash, uses a compare-and-swap operation to ensure the random seed is only generated once. Because this is a one-time operation, it is always compiled in when the compare-and-swap operation is available.

cmake-configure wrapper script

For those familiar with the old autoconf/autogen.sh/configure method, there is a cmake-configure wrapper script to ease the transition to cmake.

```sh mkdir build cd build ../cmake-configure –prefix=/some/install/path make ```

cmake-configure can take a few options.

options Description
prefix=PREFIX install architecture-independent files in PREFIX
enable-threading Enable code to support partly multi-threaded use
enable-rdrand Enable RDRAND Hardware RNG Hash Seed generation on supported x86/x64 platforms.
enable-shared build shared libraries [default=yes]
enable-static build static libraries [default=yes]
disable-Bsymbolic Avoid linking with -Bsymbolic-function
disable-werror Avoid treating compiler warnings as fatal errors


By default, if valgrind is available running tests uses it. That can slow the tests down considerably, so to disable it use: ```sh export USE_VALGRIND=0 ```

To run tests a separate build directory is recommended: ```sh mkdir build-test cd build-test

VALGRIND=1 causes -DVALGRIND=1 to be passed when compiling code

which uses slightly slower, but valgrind-safe code.

VALGRIND=1 cmake .. make

make test

By default, if valgrind is available running tests uses it.

make USE_VALGRIND=0 test # optionally skip using valgrind ```

If a test fails, check Testing/Temporary/LastTest.log, tests/testSubDir/${testname}/${testname}.vg.out, and other similar files. If there is insufficient output try: ```sh VERBOSE=1 make test ``` or ```sh JSONC_TEST_TRACE=1 make test ``` and check the log files again.

Building on Unix and Windows with vcpkg

You can download and install JSON-C using the vcpkg dependency manager:

git clone https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg.git
cd vcpkg
./vcpkg integrate install
vcpkg install json-c

The JSON-C port in vcpkg is kept up to date by Microsoft team members and community contributors. If the version is out of date, please create an issue or pull request on the vcpkg repository.

Linking to libjson-c

If your system has pkgconfig, then you can just add this to your makefile:

```make CFLAGS += $(shell pkg-config –cflags json-c) LDFLAGS += $(shell pkg-config –libs json-c) ```

Without pkgconfig, you would do something like this:

```make JSON_C_DIR=/path/to/json_c/install CFLAGS += -I/include/json-c LDFLAGS+= -L/lib -ljson-c ```

Using json-c

To use json-c you can either include json.h, or preferrably, one of the following more specific header files:

For a full list of headers see files.html