json-c  0.13
Deprecated List
Don't use this outside of linkhash.h:
Global _LH_UNCONST (a)
Don't use this outside of linkhash.h:
File bits.h
Use json_util.h instead.
Global error_description (error)
Global error_ptr (error)
Global hexdigit (x)
Global is_error (ptr)
Global json_tokener
Unused in json-c code
Global lh_abort (const char *msg,...)
Since it is not a good idea to exit the entire program because of an internal library failure, json-c will no longer use this function internally. However, because its interface is public, it will remain part of the API on the off chance of legacy software using it externally.
Global lh_table_lookup (struct lh_table *t, const void *k)
Use lh_table_lookup_ex() instead.